Spiritual Leader’s Message
Hello, Dear Ones,
Good News doesn’t begin to describe it! Much has happened, and since we don’t publish the newsletter as often, you might not be aware. A very generous, anonymous donor gave Unity Lincoln financial gifts sufficient enough that the Board of Trustees voted to pay off our mortgage, and our membership ratified the decision at the regular January business meeting.
These transactions are still working through the system at the time of this writing but watch for a mortgage-burning party sometime this spring/summer.
Our joy does not end with one generous donor; independent of these significant gifts, January blessed Unity Lincoln with our best monthly income since the coronavirus shutdown. Thank You, God!
I want to extend a very special thank you to Paul Fox and Kathy Hutchinson for their service on Unity Lincoln’s Board of Trustees. These individuals have served Unity Lincoln on the Board for two successive terms, and I can’t thank them enough. In addition to their board leadership, they go the extra mile whenever called on.
I especially want to thank Paul for his role as de facto business/office manager when there was simply no one else to do the job. In addition to Paul’s other volunteerism, he paid bills, dealt with a mountain of paperwork, and acted as a liaison between the Board and our accountant. Succeeding Paul and Kathy, we welcome Marilyn Wallin and Carol Cunningham to the Board; we are blessed to have them!
February 22 is Ash Wednesday and the beginning of Lent. Once again, we will share the annual Lenten booklet from Unity Publishing, and this year’s offering is entitled 40 Days of Letting Go. Lent is a season of preparation for Easter and a time to reconsider how we live. Undoubtedly, there are parts of our lives we would be better off without — perhaps negative thoughts, harmful habits, or less-than-divine behavior.
Each congregant attending on February 26 (the first Sunday in Lent) will receive a copy, and our distant friends may order their print or PDF copy at Unity.org/booklets. Help us cleanse our consciousness of anything holding us back by renewing our minds and preparing us to celebrate new life; 40 Days of Letting Go helps us remember Easter is our story.
God Bless You All
~Rev. Evan
Rev. Evan requests that you let him know of any pastoral needs in our congregation. Please email: office@unitylincoln.org, or call (402) 476-6887 (leave a message)