Pet Memorial Service

April 9th, Saturday at 1 o’clock we will honor our pets and their memories in a special memorial service. You are invited to bring or send by mail or email photos of your pets to be put on the power point by Wednesday April 22nd, no later please. The day of our service you are welcome to bring photos to share on the altar.

Sometimes our pets are closer to us than any other member of our family. They hold a special sacred place in our hearts as they give their love unconditionally.

It doesn’t matter if you’ve just lost your pet friend or if it’s been many years; our memorial service is a time to remember in love and gratitude the blessings our pets give us.

Please feel free to share this with friends and family who might be grieving. Also share with your veterinarian and other pet care people. It can be a great source of healing.

Mark your calendar for October 3rd when we will do a Pet Blessing service in connection with St. Francis Day. The Pet Blessing is especially for living pets, although some people ask to bless pets passed then also.

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