World Day of Prayer

September 13, 2017 @ 6:30 pm – 8:00 pm
Unity Lincoln
135 N 31st St
Lincoln, NE 68503

Wednesday evening, September 13th at Unity Lincoln we will join together at 6:30pm for our own sacred service.

At 7 pm we will join the 24th World Day of Prayer Opening Ceremony via LiveStreaming.

The keynote speaker, Rev. Linda Martella-Whitsett, vice president of Silent Unity, will speak with music presented by Jana Stanfield.  A highlight will be her song: “I Am, the Power of Peace!”

Please visit to get more information about World Day of Prayer.

You are also invited to light a virtual candle (, along with people from all over the world to hold for peace.  Zoom in on the map to get to Unity Lincoln and see the candles we have lit.  This is a fun thing that your kids can do, too!

Let’s see how many candles we can light for Unity Lincoln!


Peace in the Midst
Thursday, September 14th

“I am Peace in the Midst of All Matters!”

Unity Celebrates the 24th Annual World Day of Prayer.  We’ve begun to collect prayers to take to Unity Village on World Day of Prayer.
Unity WDoPrayer
“World Day of Prayer gives us an opportunity to come together in celebration of our oneness with God, each other, and our world. Through prayer we foster peace and wholeness in our community and in our individual lives.”  Please get in touch with Rev. Toni if you wish to travel together to Unity Village for this year’s event.

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